Dr. Ed Landing

State Paleontologist Emeritus


Landing, E., Skiba, J.B., 1997. Guide to the Geology of John Boyd Thatcher Park (Indian Ladder Region) and Vicinity., New York State Museum Handbook. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Landing, E., 1997. Reply: Upper Lower Cambrian Depositional Sequence in Avalonian New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 34, 1374-1376. doi:10.1139/e17-020
Landing, E., 1997. Reply: U-Pb date from Avalonian Cape Breton Island and Geochronologic Calibration of the Early Ordovician. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 34, 2130-2132. doi:10.1139/e17-134
Fyffe, L.R., Landing, E., 1997. Upper Lower Cambrian Depositional Sequence in Avalonian New Brunswick; Discussion and Reply. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 34, 229-231. doi:10.1139/e17-020
Landing, E., 1996. Avalon-Insular Continent by the Latest Precambrian, in: Nance, R.D., Thompson, M. (Eds.), Avalonian And Related Peri-Gondwanan Terranes Of The Circum-North Atlantic. Geological Society of America, pp. 27-64.