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NEH Announces $35.63 Million for 258 Humanities Projects Nationwide

National Endowment for the Humanities Logo

This article originally appeared on the National Endowment for the Humanities website.

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) today announced $35.63 million in grants for 258 humanities projects across the country. Grants awarded today will underwrite a documentary on the life and legacy of African American intellectual W.E.B. DuBois; enable the digitization of the personal papers of former members of Congress for the American Congress Digital Archives Portal; and support restoration of the sick bay, post office, barber shop, and torpedo-handling spaces aboard the historic aircraft carrier the USS Intrepid to allow these areas to be reopened for public access.

“These 258 newly funded projects demonstrate the vitality of the humanities across our nation,” said NEH Chair Shelly C. Lowe (Navajo). “NEH is proud to support exemplary education, preservation, media, research, and infrastructure projects that expand resources for Americans, support humanities programs and opportunities for underserved students and communities, and deepen our understanding of our history, culture, and society.”

Congratulations to the New York organizations!

NEW YORK (27) $4,859,096


Historic Albany Foundation, Inc. Match: $500,000
[Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants]
Project Director: Cara Macri
Project Title: Van Ostrande-Radliff House Reuse
Project Description: Restoration of the oldest building in Albany, New York, the Van Ostrande-Radliff House from 1728, and its later additions, to serve as the seat of the Historic Albany Foundation.


Christian DiCanio Outright: $30,000
[Dynamic Language Infrastructure-Documenting Endangered
Languages–F ellowships]
SUNY Research Foundation, University at Buffalo
Project Title: A reference grammar of Itunyoso Triqui
Project Description: Research and writing of a comprehensive reference grammar of Itunyoso Triqui [ISO 639-3 trq], an endangered Southern Mexican language.


CUNY Research Foundation, Queensborough Community
Outright: $24,500
[Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education: Exploration]
Project Director: Ilse Schrynemakers; Sybil White (co-project director)
Project Title: Reimagining the First-Semester College Experience: Building the Welcome Read Program
Project Description: A one-year project that would expand a first-semester common read program to reach students in two precollege programs.


Birgit Brander Rasmussen Outright: $6,000
[Summer Stipends]
SUNY Research Foundation, Binghamton
Project Title: Signs of Resistance, Signs of Resurgence: Indigenous Literacies and New Media in Native American Literatures, 901 CE to the Digital Age
Project Description: Research and writing for a book tracing the origins and resurgence of pictographic literacy in American Indigenous cultures.


Laura Specker Sullivan Outright: $6,000
[Summer Stipends]
Fordham University
Project Title: Climates of Distrust
Project Description: Research and writing two chapters of a philosophical book on social theories of trust.

Marisa Lerer Outright: $6,000
[Summer Stipends]
Manhattan College
Project Title: Latinx Public Memorials
Project Description: Research and writing leading to a book about Latinx monuments and memorialization in the United States.


Maria Fajardo Outright: $6,000
[Summer Stipends]
Sarah Lawrence College
Project Title: Development as Vocation: Latin America in the Neoliberal Era
Project Description: Research leading to an intellectual history of economic development in Latin America between the 1960s and 1990s. 


Chloe Kessler Outright: $6,000
[Summer Stipends]
Cornell University
Project Title: After Apocalypse: American Ecofascism and the Violent Work of Earthly Restoration
Project Description: Archival research leading to a book on the intersection of hate groups and environmental movements and how such groups have historically come from both sides of the political spectrum.

New York

American Academy in Rome Outright: $255,000
[Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions]
Project Director: Mark Robbins
Project Title: Rome Prize Fellowships at the American Academy in Rome
Project Description: Sixteen months of stipend support (two fellowships) per year for three years and a contribution to defray costs associated with the selection of fellows.

American Academy in Rome Match: $472,850
[Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants]
Project Director: Mark Robbins
Project Title: Building a New Library Annex: The Villa Chiaraviglio
Project Description: Renovation of the lower level of the Villa Chiaraviglio building for an expansion of the Arthur and Janet C. Ross Library at the American Academy in Rome.

American Council of Learned Societies Outright: $207,000
[Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions] Match: $105,000
Project Director: Deena Ragavan
Project Title: ACLS China Studies Research Fellowships 2024–2027
Project Description: Twenty-seven months of stipend support (three fellowships) per year for three years and a contribution to defray costs associated with the selection of fellows.

Center for Jewish History Outright: $213,238
[Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions]
Project Director: Miriam Mora
Project Title: Long-Term Research Fellowships at the Center for Jewish History in New York
Project Description: Twelve months of stipend support (one fellowship) per year for three years and a contribution to defray costs associated with the selection of fellows.

Charlotte Walker-Said Outright: $6,000
[Summer Stipends]
CUNY Research Foundation, John Jay College
Project Title: A History of Martial and Spiritual Entrepreneurship in Central Africa
Project Description: Research and writing of a book about the religiously inspired insurgencies in Central Africa in the modern period.

Clemente Course in the Humanities, Inc. Outright: $99,000
[Dialogues on the Experience of War]
Project Director: Mark Santow
Project Title: Providence Clemente Veterans Initiative: Extending the Reach
Project Description: A two-year project to hold four 12-week Dialogues on the Experience of War seminars for ten military veterans and interested civilians per seminar, preceded by a preparatory program for six seminar discussion leaders.

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Outright: $75,000
[Exhibitions: Planning]
Project Director: Denver Brunsman
Project Title: The Long Struggle for Equality: The Declaration of Independence at 250
Project Description: Planning of a traveling exhibition, community conversations, and online resources exploring the origins and legacy of the Declaration of Independence.

Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum Match: $337,050
[Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants]
Project Director: Matthew Woods
Project Title: Restoring & Opening Intrepid’s Sick Bay
Project Description: Infrastructure upgrades to allow public access to the sick bay, post office, barber shop and berthing/torpedo handling spaces on the historic aircraft carrier Intrepid, located in New York, New York.

La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, Inc. Match: $51,480
[Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants]
Project Director: Sophie Glidden-Lyon
Project Title: Preserving Off Off-Broadway: Designing Improved Climate Control for the La MaMa Archive
Project Description: Installation of climate-control equipment and planning of long-term storage solutions for archives from the La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in New York, New York.

Metropolitan Museum of Art Outright: $400,000
[Exhibitions: Implementation]
Project Director: Andrea Achi
Project Title: Public Humanities: Africa & Byzantium
Project Description: Implementation of a traveling exhibition exploring the global impact of the art and culture of Byzantine-era North and East Africa, including public programs, online media, and a scholarly catalog.

Modern Language Association of America, Inc. Outright: $60,000
[Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education: Development]
Project Director: Jason Rhody
Project Title: Reimagining Humanities Coursework for Career Readiness: A Virtual
Workshop for Teachers of Languages and Literature
Project Description: A two-year development workshop series for faculty at small or midsized colleges to integrate humanities study, career readiness, and applied humanities in their teaching and mentoring of underserved students

Museum of the City of New York, Inc. Outright: $100,000
[Exhibitions: Implementation]
Project Director: Sarah Henry
Project Title: The New York Century: 100 Years of Imagining the City, 1923–2023
Project Description: Implementation of a short-term exhibition examining how New York City has been depicted in arts, media, and culture from 1923 to 2023.

New York Public Library Outright: $309,996
[Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions]
Project Director: Matt Knutzen
Project Title: Long-term Research Fellowships at The New York Public Library’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
Project Description: Eighteen months of stipend support (two–three fellowships) per year for three years and a contribution to defray costs associated with the selection of fellows.

Rubin Museum of Art Outright: $400,000
[Exhibitions: Implementation]
Project Director: Michelle Bennett Simorella
Project Title: Gateway to Himalayan Art
Project Description: Implementation of a traveling exhibition geared to university galleries that would introduce essential concepts of Himalayan art and culture and a digital educational platform.

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Outright: $349,524
[Humanities Collections and Reference Resources]
Project Director: Stefanie Halpern
Project Title: Jewish Labor and Political Archives Project
Project Description: The arrangement and description of 122 linear feet of archival materials from four collections documenting Jewish immigrant involvement in the U.S. labor movement, as well as the digitization of 293,000 pages from those collections.


Niagara University Outright: $148,500
[Humanities Connections Implementation]
Project Director: Paula Kot; James McCutcheon (co-project director); Donna Thompson (co-project director); Lisa Williams (co-project director)
Project Title: Implementing the Vincentian Social Justice General Education Minor
Project Description: A three-year project to launch a minor in Vincentian social justice.

SUNY Research Foundation, College at Oswego Outright: $35,000
[Humanities Connections Planning]
Project Director: Tiffany Deater
Project Title: New Minor in Environmental Humanities and Visual Media
Project Description: A one-year faculty and curricular development project to build an environmental humanities and visual media minor.

University of Rochester Outright: $129,970
[Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Research] Match: $20,000
Project Director: Michael Jarvis
Project Title: The Archaeology of Earliest Bermuda, 1610–c.1630
Project Description: Archeological excavation investigating the English settlement of Bermuda by the Virginia Company in the seventeenth century.


Museum Association of New York Outright: $499,988
[Humanities Discussions]
Project Director: Megan Eves
Project Title: A New Agora for New York: Museums as Spaces for Democracy
Project Description: Implementation of a discussion and public program series exploring democracy in America to be conducted at twelve museums across New York.