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CRSP Series

The New York State Museum Cultural Resource Survey Program (CRSP) Series is a peer-reviewed, open-access series published on an occasional basis by The University of the State of New York/The State Education Department. The series publishes both individual monographs and edited volumes generated by the program on important cultural resource management issues in the state.

The New York State Museum’s Cultural Resource Survey Program has provided statewide cultural resource management services to other New York state and federal agencies since 1958. A major goal of CRSP is the dissemination of the knowledge it generates. Volumes in the CRSP series are meant to highlight exemplary reports generated by the program and make information about New York’s archaeological and architectural heritage readily accessible to the public. By highlighting little known and understood aspects of human life in New York, the wide distribution of these monographs will ensure that the work done by the CRSP, and its sponsoring agencies, will benefit the People of the State of New York.

Publications in the CRSP Series are copyrighted by the New York State Education Department. Use of the CRSP Series is governed by the general principals of open-access publishing as stated in the Creative Commons Attribution License and Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, and by the New York State Education Department’s Terms of Use. Users may download, print, archive, distribute, and extract all volume contents for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution given to the authors and source.