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Ichthyological research at NYSM focuses on the evolution and ecological interactions of fishes. Our research utilizes a number of different methods and techniques, including morphological examinations of museum specimens, traditional and next-generation DNA, RNA, and proteomic sequencing, toxinological examinations of fish venoms, and basic ecological surveys. These data are being used to examine the taxonomy, population genetics, and evolutionary relationships of a number of New York’s diverse freshwater fish species, the development of venom and venom delivery systems in catfishes, the ecological impacts of invasive species, and the recovery of fish communities from pollutants and human efforts to remove these contaminants from aquatic ecosystems.

News Articles

Bowfin species: A&B - Amia calva from South Carolina, C - A. ocellicauda from Ontario.
Published December 12, 2022 | Ichthyology

Bowfin fishes are recognized as evolutionary relicts or ‘living fossils’ that historically were distributed worldwide, going back almost 150 million years and living alongside dinosaurs. These fishes retain many of the morphological traits of their fossil ancestors and are found only in the...

Long island fish collection example
Published February 29, 2016 | Ichthyology

In 2014, the State Museum acquired Dr. Howard Reisman's (emeritus professor at Long Island University) personal collection of fish specimens. The collection has over 2,500 individual specimens, including a substantial number of samples from the marine waters surrounding Long Island.



Fish Atlas

Atlas of Inland Fishes of New York

The Museum’s latest book, Atlas of Inland Fishes of New York, is now available for download. View this and other volumes of note from the Research and Collections Record Series.