Education Leaflets
New York State Museum Education Leaflets are published on an occasional basis by The University of the State of New York/The State Education Department. Education Leaflets provide information to teachers, students, and the general public on topics related to the Museum’s collections and research in the fields of archaeology, biology, ethnology, ethnography, geology, history, and paleontology. Education Leaflets are written by Museum scientists, historians, and/or educators based on contemporary research on New York’s natural and cultural histories.
Publications in the Education Leaflet series are copyrighted by the New York State Education Department. Current Education Leaflets are published in electronic form. Use of Education Leaflets is governed by the general principles of open-access publishing as stated in the Creative Commons Attribution License and Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, and by the New York State Education Department's Terms of Use. Users may download, print, archive, distribute, and extract all volume contents for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution given to the authors and source. All volumes in the Education Leaflet series are assigned a Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (purl) and permanently deposited with the New York State Library.

Volume 28 - Second Edition
Geology of New York, A Simplified Account(PDF)
Y.W. Isachsen, E. Landing, I.M. Lauber, L.V. Rickard, and W.B. Rogers, editors Second Edition

Volume 28 - First Edition
Geology of New York, A Simplified Account (PDF)
Y.W. Isachsen, E. Landing, J.M. Lauber, L.V. Rickard, and W.B. Rogers, editors