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Late Prehistoric Interaction and Exchange

This research project has focused on reconstructing the interaction patterns of Early Late Prehistoric groups across eastern and central New York by examining the stylistic and trace element composition of ceramic vessels and other lithic materials. By comparing the compositional profiles of ceramic sherds and chipped stone tools with similar profiles from known clay and lithic source materials, I have attempted to link areas of manufacture and discard within larger valley corridors allowing archaeologists to reconstruct the movement of settlements and trade of objects across the region. The results of this research suggest that Early Late Prehistoric groups were not procuring materials from deposits located a significant distance from their settlement. Instead, many materials appear to have been procured from local deposits that can be found within a 10-20 kilometer radius of the site. The large number of “locally” manufactured containers found also argues against the long distance movement of villages during this period.

Related Publications

Rieth, C.B. and E. Horton
2010 Stylistic and Technological Analyses of Ceramic Vessels from the Bailey site, Onondaga County, New York. In Preserving Technology and Understanding the Past, pages 5-14, edited by Christine Sternberg Patrick, pages 5-14. New York State Museum Record Volume 1, Albany, New York.

Rieth, C. B., Rafferty, S. and D. Zaputo
2007 A Trace Element Analysis of Ceramics from the Pethick Site, Schoharie County, New York. North American Archaeologist 28(1):58-81.

Rafferty, S., C. Wood, and C. B. Rieth
2007 A Trace Element Analysis of Lithics in New York State. North American
Archaeologist 28(2):169-181.

Rieth, C. B.
2004 Cordage, Fabrics and their Use in the Manufacture of Early Late Prehistoric Ceramics in New York. Chapter prepared for edited volume entitled Perishable Material Culture in the Northeast, edited by Penelope Ballard Drooker, pages 129-142. New York State Museum Bulletin 500. The University of the State of New York, The State Education Department, Albany, New York.

Rieth, C.B.
2002 Analyzing Style and Technology in the Eastern Woodlands. Chapter in edited volume entitled Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology, edited by Pamela Van Diver, James Druzik, and Jennifer Mass. Proceedings of the Material Research Society, Volume 712, pages 213-220. Electronic version also available at

Rieth, C. B.
2002 Early Late Prehistoric Settlement: A View from Central Pennsylvania. Chapter in edited volume entitled Northeast Subsistence and Settlement Change: A.D. 700-1300, edited by John P. Hart and Christina B. Rieth. New York State Museum Bulletin No. 496.

Rieth, C.B.
2002 Early Late Prehistoric Subsistence and Settlement Diversity in the Southern Tier of New York. Chapter in edited volume entitled Northeast Subsistence and Settlement Change: A.D. 700-1300, edited by John P. Hart and Christina B. Rieth. New York State Museum Bulletin No. 496.