The Weidhaas, Nevin, and Delfinado Mite Collections

Yellow Mite (Tydeidae)

In 1963, Weidhaas co-authored,  “The occurrence and importance of tetranychid and eriophyid mites on woody [ornamental] plants in New York" with R. M. Reeves.  There are 22  boxes of slides (100 slides / box) of mites in the Weidhaas collection.

F. Reese Nevin taught acarology for the  College of Arts and Science, in Plattsburgh, New York. There are 48 boxes (100 slides / box) of mites in the Nevin collection.

Mercedes Delfinado co-authored with (and eventually married) USDA Acarologist Ed Baker.  Dr. Delfinado described over 60 mite species associated with host insects.
There are 120  boxes of slides (100 slides / box) of mites in the Delfinado collection.

Examples from the Collection

  • Individual Mite Slides
  • Mite Slides in Storage