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Dr. Gwendolyn Saul

Curator of Ethnography

B.A., Anthropology, 2001, Vassar College
M.A., Anthropology, 2005, University of New Mexico
Ph.D., Anthropology, 2013, University of New Mexico

I am an ethnographer and cultural anthropologist interested in creative and innovative ways to implement critical Indigenous theory into museum spaces and practices. My research and scholarship has focused on oral histories, museum studies, contemporary Indigenous art, and critical Indigenous theory. Currently, I am developing new research and projects that build upon my experiences collaborating with Indigenous artists and community members to address ideas and topics of central importance to Indigenous community members in New York. I also serve as an elected board member of the Council for Museum Anthropology.


Saul, G.W., 2023. Native New York (review). New York History 104, 241 - 244. doi:10.1353/nyh.2023.a902930
Saul, G.W., 2020. Making Native Art Known During Pandemic Times. Practicing Anthropology 42, 3-4.
Saul, G.W., 2018. Community + Continuity, in: Gallery Guide-Community And Continuity: Native American Art Of New York. Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz, New York, pp. 11-16.
Saul, G.W., Marsh, D.E., 2018. In Whose Honor? On Monuments, Public Spaces, Historical Narratives, and Memory. Museum Anthropology 41, 117-120. doi:10.1111/muan.2018.41.issue-2
Marsh, D., Saul, G.W., 2018. On Monuments and Racial Violence. Anthropology News 59, 24-26.