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Dr. Charles Ver Straeten

Curator of Sedimentary Rocks


My focus is on Devonian Period Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, including sea level history, mountain building and sedimentation, paleoecology, and Devonian volcanic ash layers. In addition, I also study the deposition and preservation of volcanic ash layers in shallow seas and lakes through time.


Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D., 2023. Devonian of New York, Volume 2: Lower to upper Givetian (Middle Devonian) stage, Bulletins of American Paleontology. Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York.
Ver Straeten, C.A., Brett, C.E., Baird, G.E., Bartholomew, A.J., Over, D.J., 2023. Lower Middle Devonian (Eifelian–lower Givetian) strata of New York State: The Onondaga Formation and Marcellus Subgroup, in: Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. (Eds.), Devonian Of New York, Volume 1: Introduction And Přídolí To Lower Givetian (Upper Silurian To Middle Devonian) Stages. Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York, pp. 205–280. doi:10.32857/bap.2023.403.06
Ver Straeten, C.A., 2023. Preface, in: Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. (Eds.), Devonian Of New York, Volume 1: Introduction And Přídolí To Lower Givetian (Upper Silurian To Middle Devonian) Stages. Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York, pp. 1-5. doi:10.32857/bap.2023.403.01
Ver Straeten, C.A., 2023. An introduction to the Devonian Period and the Devonian in New York State and North America, in: Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. (Eds.), Devonian Of New York, Volume 1: Introduction And Přídolí To Lower Givetian (Upper Silurian To Middle Devonian) Stages. Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York. doi:10.32857/bap.2023.403.03
Ver Straeten, C.A., 2023. The Port Jervis, Oriskany, Esopus, and Schoharie formations, and equivalents: Pragian and Emsian strata of New York, in: Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. (Eds.), Devonian Of New York, Volume 1: Introduction And Přídolí To Lower Givetian (Upper Silurian To Middle Devonian) Stages. Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York. doi:10.32857/bap.2023.403.05
Ver Straeten, C.A., 2023. The Devonian terrestrial system of New York, in: Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. (Eds.), Devonian Of New York,Volume 3: Frasnian To Famennian (Upper Devonian) Stages And The Devonian Terrestrial System In New York. Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York, pp. 211–330. doi:10.32857/bap.2023.407.05
Ver Straeten, C.A., 2023. Dedication: To Dr. Lawrence (Larry) V. Rickard, in: Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. (Eds.), Devonian Of New York, Volume 1: Introduction And Přídolí To Lower Givetian (Upper Silurian To Middle Devonian) Stages. Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York. doi:10.32857/bap.2023.403.02
Bartholomew, A., Ver Straeten, C.A., 2023. Marine strata of the middle to upper Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian, lower Givetian), eastern outcrop belt in New York State, in: Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. (Eds.), Devonian Of New York . Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York, pp. 197–258. doi:10.32857/bap.2023.405.02