The Carousel will be closed on Sunday, February 16. Learn more...
karen.quinn's picture

Karen Quinn

Senior Historian/Curator, Art and Culture

B.A., Honours, Art History, 1981, McGill University
M.A. Art History, 1983, University of Pennsylvania

As an art historian my primary research has focused on American paintings, concentrating on nineteenth-century landscape artists and early twentieth-century modernists.   I am especially interested in painters’ working methods as well as the attraction of specific places to the artist, including locations throughout New York.  Currently I am researching and building the collection of art related to New York State including decorative arts, paintings, works on paper, architecture, photography, popular culture, literature, and music, and interpreting them for the museum visitor.  In addition, I am working with colleagues to develop interdisciplinary exhibitions, public programs, and publications that put works of art into their historical and cultural context.