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Oswego County Recognizes Barbara Dix On Commendable Career

Oswego County Today Logo

This article originally appeared on the Oswego County Today website.

The Oswego County Legislature’s Government, Courts and Consumer Affairs Committee presented a commendation to Barbara J. Dix for her dedication to preserving local history during her career as a historian. Dix was recently awarded the Franklin D. Roosevelt Local Government Historian Professional Achievement Award by the Association of Public Historians of New York State, an award that recognizes an appointed historian for outstanding career achievement in the practice of public history. During the past 60 years, Dix has served as historian for Oswego County, the Village of Phoenix, Town of Schroeppel and was also chairperson for the Oswego County Underground Railroad Commission. Pictured from left are legislators James Scanlon, District 16; Charles Burger, District 17; Edward Gilson, District 3; Oswego County Clerk Terry Wilbur; Dix; Committee Chairman David M. Holst, District 4; Mary Ellen Chesbro, District 10; Oswego County Historian Debbie Allen; Committee Vice Chairman Michael Yerdon, District 1; and Robert Wilmott, District 18. Read more...