Feeding Ecology of Redside Dace, Clinostomus elongatus

TitleFeeding Ecology of Redside Dace, Clinostomus elongatus
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsDaniels, RA, Wisniewski, SJ
JournalEcology of Freshwater Fish
Keywordsallochthonous, Cyprinidae, Diptera, Empididae, feeding ecology, New York

Abstract– Redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus (Kirtland), from two populations in New York, USA, consumed adult Diptera; over 85% of the prey taken between April and November was in this order. Adult Hilara spp. (Empididae) were the dipterans consumed most frequently; individuals of this genus represented 70% and 60% of the items consumed by fishes from populations in Allcgheny and Hudson River drainages, respectively. Over 98% of the prey consumed by redside dace was in ten insect orders. Adult and larval chironomids and adult trichopterans were the next most frequently consumed prey. Adult chironomids made up 9% of the diet, by number, in both populations. Adult trichopterans accounted for 2–3% of the items taken. Adult empidids were selected by individuals in both populations. The dominance of flying insects in the diet of redside dace is related to their foraging behavior. These data show that adjacent terrestrial environments may be important to some stream-dwelling organisms.
