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Weible, R., Lemak, J.A., Noble, A., 2014. An Irrepressible Conflict: The Empire State in the Civil War, Excelsior Editions. State University of New York Press, Albany, New York.
Weed, C.S., Merwin, D.E., 2023. Introduction: Exploring African American Contexts in New York Archaeology. The Bulletin: Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association 137, 1-3.
Webster, H.E., 1879. Annelida chaetopoda of New Jersey. New York State Museum Annual Report 32, 101-128.
Webster, H.E., 1886. Annelida claetopoda of New Jersey. New York State Museum Annual Report 39, 128-159.
Webster, L., Drooker, P.B., 2000. Archaeological Textile Research in the Americas, in: Drooker, P.B., Webster, L. (Eds.), Beyond Cloth And Cordage: Archaeological Textile Research In The Americas. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, pp. 1-24.
Weary, D.J., Ryder, R.T., Nyahay, R.E., 2001. Thermal Maturity Patterns in New York State Using CAI and %R (sub o). Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences 23, 356-376.
Watson, J.E., Heins-Ledogar, S., 2019. Testing the effectiveness of osteometrics in the identification of North American gallinaceous bird post-cranial elements. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 2623–2636. doi:10.1007/s12520-018-0697-4
Watson, J.E., Ledogar, S.Heins, 2019. A reevaluation of bird taxonomic identifications at Contact‐ and historic‐era North American sites. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29, 822 - 830. doi:10.1002/oa.v29.510.1002/oa.2799
Walter, M., Chamberlain, S.C., 2009. Road-Cut Mineral Occurrences of St. Lawrence County, New York. Rocks & Minerals 84, 254-262. doi:10.3200/RMIN.84.3.254-262
