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Hart, J.P., 2024. New Trends in Prehistoric North-eastern North American Agriculture Evidence: A View from Central New York, in: Lee-Thorp, J., Katzenberg, M.A. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook Of The Archaeology Of Diet. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 367-384.
Keppie, D.F., Keppie, J.D., Landing, E., 2024. A tectonic solution for the Early Cambrian palaeogeographic enigma. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 542, 167 - 177. doi:10.1144/SP542-2022-355
Liu, Z., Algeo, T.J., Arefifard, S., Wei, W., Brett, C., Landing, E., Lev, S.M., 2024. Testing the salinity of Cambrian to Silurian epicratonic seas. Journal of the Geological Society 2024, jgs2023-217. doi:10.1144/jgs2023-217
Quinn, K.E., 2024. The Historic Woodstock Art Colony: The Arthur A. Anderson Collection, Excelsior Editions. SUNY Press, Albany, New York.
