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Reilley, Jr., E.M., 1964. Birds and Geography. Kingbird 14, 197-204.
Stoner, D., 1942. Bird Study through Banding. The Scientific Monthly 55, 132-138.
Saunders, A.A., 1929. Bird Song, New York State Museum Handbook. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Reilley, Jr., E.M., 1954. Bird Records and The A.O.U. Check-List Ranges. The Auk 71, 156-163. doi:10.2307/4081569
Kirchman, J.J., 2008. Bird Egg Specimens: An Ova-looked Treasure. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 3, 8-9.
Scheffel, R.L., 1964. Bird Art in Science: The Growth of A Tradition, New York State Museum Education Leaflet. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Lintner, J.A., 1886. Birch Seed Insect. Country Gentleman 51, 287.
Felt, E.P., 1901. Birch Leaf Bucculatrix. Country Gentleman 66, 787.
Felt, E.P., 1905. Birch Blight. Country Gentleman 70, 932.
Felt, E.P., 1909. The Birch and Witch-Hazel Louse. Country Gentleman 74, 656.
Sheviak, C.J., 1982. Biosystematic Study of the Spiranthes cernua Complex, New York State Museum Bulletin. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Taylor, M.E., Landing, E., 1982. Biostratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordovician Transition in the Bear River Range, Utah and Idaho, Western United States, in: Bassett, M.G., Dean, W.T. (Eds.), The Cambrianordovician Boundary: Sections, Correlations, Fossil Distributions, And Correlations. National Museum of Wales, pp. 131-139.
McCabe, T.L., Wagner, D.L., 1989. The Biology of Sthenopis auratus (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 97, 1-10.
