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Dr. Jonathan Lothrop

Curator of Archaeology

B.A., Anthropology, 1979, Franklin & Marshall College
M.A., Anthropology, 1982, Binghamton University 
Ph.D., Anthropology, 1988, Binghamton University

My research is focused on how and when Native Americans colonized and then settled the New York region from near the end of the Pleistocene or Ice Age into the early Holocene, between about 11,000 and 8000 B.C. This approach involves integrated studies of Paleoindian sites and artifact collections, within and between regions, (1) to refine chronology and systematics, and (2) to model changes in Paleoindian lifeways, including technology, settlement, and subsistence. A key aspect of this work involves collaborating with earth scientists at NYSM and elsewhere to better understand the Late Pleistocene landscapes and environments of these peoples. At the broadest level, this research contributes to our understanding about the peopling of the New World at the end of the Pleistocene era, and how some human populations adapted in the past to rapid environmental and climatic change. 


Lothrop, J.C., 2019. Foreword, in: Jackson, L.J. (Ed.), Early Paleoindian Occupation In The Rice Lake, Otonabee River, And South Kawartha Lakes Watersheds, South-Central Ontario – Research Since 1976. IC Publishing, p. ix-xiv.
Ellis, C.J., Lothrop, J.C., 2019. Early Fluted-biface Variation in Glaciated Northeastern North America. PaleoAmerica 5, 121-131. doi:10.1080/20555563.2019.1601473
Lothrop, J.C., LaPorta, P.C., Diamond, J.E., Younge, M.H., Winchell-Sweeney, S., 2018. New Data on Paleoindian Sites and Isolated Finds in the Wallkill/Rondout Valley of New York and New Jersey, in: Gingerich, J.A.M. (Ed.), In The Eastern Fluted Point Tradition Ii. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, pp. 292-325.
Lothrop, J.C., Beardsley, M., Clymer, M., Winchell-Sweeney, S., Younge, M.H., 2016. Current Archaeological Research on Paleoindian Sites in Central New York, in: Domack, E.W. (Ed.), Late Pleistocene Geology, Environments And Archaeology In The Oneida Basin And Ontario Lowland Of Central New York. pp. 1-33.
Lothrop, J.C., Lowery, D.L., Spiess, A.E., Ellis, C.J., 2016. Early Human Settlement of Northeastern North America. PaleoAmerica 2, 192-251. doi:10.1080/20555563.2016.1212178
Lothrop, J.C., 2016. Review of "Clovis Caches: Recent Discoveries and New Research" by Bruce B Huckell and J David Kilby (eds). North American Archaeologist 37, 190-193. doi:10.1177/0197693116631686