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Cherniak, D.J., Manchester, J., Watson, E.B., 2007. Zr and Hf Diffusion in Rutile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261, 267-279. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.06.027
Siegfried, C.A., Auer, N.A., Effler, S.W., 1996. Zooplankton Biology, in: Effler, S.W. (Ed.), Limnological And Engineering Analysis Of A Polluted Urban Lake. Engineering Analysis. Springler-Verlag, New York, New York, pp. 421-436.
De Kay, J.E., 1843. Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna: Part 5-Mollusca. D. Appleton: Wiley & Putnam, New York, New York.
De Kay, J.E., 1842. Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna: Part 4-Reptiles. D. Appleton: Wiley & Putnam, New York, New York.
De Kay, J.C., 1842. Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna: Part 3-Reptiles. D. Appleton: Wiley & Putnam, New York, New York.
De Kay, J.E., 1843. Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna: Part 2-Birds. D. Appleton: Wiley & Putnam, New York, New York.
De Kay, J.E., 1842. Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna: Part 1-Mammalia. D. Appleton: Wiley & Putnam, New York, New York.
Molloy, D.P., 1994. Zebra Mussels (Dreissenidae): Review of Parasitic and Other Symbiotic Organisms Associated With These European Biofouling Bivalves. Proceedings of the IVth International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control (Montpellier, France) 1, 473-474.
Siegfried, C.A., Molloy, D.P., 2005. Zebra Mussels, in: Eisenstadt, P., Moss, L.E.-. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia Of New York State. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, p. 1744.
Felt, E.P., 1898. Zebra Caterpillar. Country Gentleman 63, 586.
Lintner, J.A., 1893. Zebra Caterpillar. Country Gentleman 58, 539.
Stoner, D., 1943. Yellow-bellied Sap Sucker, Tree-troubler. University of the State of New York Bulletin to the Schools 29, 266-270.
Lintner, J.A., 1889. Yellow Woolly Bear. New England Homestead 23, 253.
Lintner, J.A., 1888. Yellow Necked Apple Tree Caterpillar. Country Gentleman 53, 743.
